So weekend guest have something substantial to consider.
my observation is that persons who 1) heal/adjust the most rapidly from their jw experience and 2) seem to have the most joy in life are those who read, read, read, in pursuit of what i call nourishment for the spirit.
i've really enjoy the pithy aphorisms you use here, which suggests you've distilled some wisdom from somewhere.
i'm going to ask your help in this thread.
So weekend guest have something substantial to consider.
i am looking for an online reference dictionary that.
would assist in translating koine greek words into.
Try this gateway, there may be such somewhere on the page.
dear good people of,.
i am sitting in my office working on a problem and i need your help.
do you think that these sentences are true?.
Henceforth I dub you Tosca, wicked lady.
Remembering Freud's best line: "Sometimes a fire is just a fire."
this is a letter i have planned on writing for some time, a letter that i claim is extremely important and one that certainly must be heeded if we are to undo the damage caused by jehovah's witnesses.
unless you share my view that i am making an appeal to the intelligence of the reader not to be fooled by jehovah's witnesses's demagoguery, there's no need for you to hear me further.
it has been said that jehovah's witnesses is doing the very thing for which it criticizes others.
La donna e non mobile. That was superb, and right on target. You should let it have gone on and let it be dissected and parsed, tone read into it, questionable motive attached, someone offended, the usual. A great lesson.
Cosi fan tutte.
panel oks bill requiring clergy to report abuse.
by john mcelhenny, the associated press.
boston priests and other clergy have been havens for secrets, virtually beyond the reach of civilian authority or law for thousands of years.. but after widespread reports of sexual abuse of children by priests and a middleton church worker, lawmakers are moving to get rid of a long-held clerical privilege in the name of protecting children.. on tuesday, lawmakers gave initial approval to a bill that would require priests and other clergy to report sexual abuse of children to law enforcement if they learn about it outside of the confessional.. we need to make the hierarchy of whatever religion understand that they cant allow the people under them to get away with the things theyve gotten away with, said rep. patricia haddad, d-somerset.
Mad One, it's just a title, eh? With a question mark.
panel oks bill requiring clergy to report abuse.
by john mcelhenny, the associated press.
boston priests and other clergy have been havens for secrets, virtually beyond the reach of civilian authority or law for thousands of years.. but after widespread reports of sexual abuse of children by priests and a middleton church worker, lawmakers are moving to get rid of a long-held clerical privilege in the name of protecting children.. on tuesday, lawmakers gave initial approval to a bill that would require priests and other clergy to report sexual abuse of children to law enforcement if they learn about it outside of the confessional.. we need to make the hierarchy of whatever religion understand that they cant allow the people under them to get away with the things theyve gotten away with, said rep. patricia haddad, d-somerset.
Mad One, it's just a title, eh? With a question mark.
just a reminder to those who never did read this: .
ps: hello watchtower legal dep!
i guess you love this:.
<carolyn r wah>
Now there is a piece of work, the Legal Department at its finest.
She has blabbed once too often, too much detail about how she has given the shiv to "whitey" and the Devil's spawn. That will come back to haunt her.
Anybody know Carolyn? Or is Mr. Moreno more your type--you know, with the on-the-side business connections; insurance and all that.
just a reminder to those who never did read this: .
ps: hello watchtower legal dep!
i guess you love this:.
outnfree, now tell us what you really think!
Wait till the rank and file find out how much money from contribution boxes and sale of publications has been spent in legal situations, especially in settling cases out of court.
"Ecclesiastical privilege."
april service report 88,735 pioneers (u.s.).
may service report 86,515 pioneers.
i know they'll pick up a couple thousand suckers in.
I saw the big April report had an average pioneer Bible studies of
Just thinking of all the telephone calls being made yesterday and today just to get those numbers in!
i know that many of you have read coc.. was you mind made up about leaving the org.
before or after you read it?
I've talked with many who were very much aware of the inner workings of the organization but kept the blinders on for whatever personal or family reason, even misguided loyalty.
What helped them and me was Jim Penton's "Apocalypse Delayed," a book I cannot recommend highly enough. Maximus recommends it regularly to those for whom CofC would not be a revelation.
It puts the organization in perspective to the world around us. I found it very, very satisfying and liberating.